The Gift of Clear Messaging

Last week I packed my kids' camp bags four days in advance.

We had a busy weekend ahead, and I knew that when we came back on Sunday night we'd have a car to unpack and laundry to do, and packing their bags for Monday morning would be the last thing I'd feel like doing.

So I did it on Thursday before we left.

This is the type of gift I love to give myself.

The kind that takes something off future me's plate so things can run that much better.

It's the best feeling to check something off today's to-do list because I did it three days ago.

This is a gift you deserve too.

> Are you prepared to talk and write about your impact and capture attention from the right people as we head toward year-end?

> As things get noisier out there, do you know how to share your stories in a way that cuts through the chaos and primes your community to support your work?

+ You could scramble, or you could invest in clear messaging today so future you and your team will be prepped to speak and write about your work in a way that connects with the right people for you.

And if you're thinking "I'm a nonprofit leader, I don't gift myself anything!" I'm here to tell you this will make you a stronger, more confident, and better-equipped nonprofit leader.

Clear messaging isn't a nice-to-have. It's a must-have to raise awareness and funds for your mission.

National Nonprofit Day is coming up. Invest in your organization—you and your team deserve to be poised for success.

After a decade as an in-house nonprofit marketer, Jordana Merkin founded Voice for Good to bring her insider knowledge and outsider perspective to help growing nonprofits like yours clarify their messaging to raise awareness and funds for their missions.

Her work with nonprofits includes messaging guides, communication strategy, and copywriting. (Learn more here!)

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