Cut Through the Noise: Olympics Style

For two weeks every four years, we care deeply about competitive gymnastics.

And swimming.

And table tennis.

We tune in to root for our country. Even if we haven't heard of many of the Olympic athletes, we beam with pride when "we" win the gold.

The Olympics gives us a sense of belonging. It speaks to our identity.

Especially these days, when there is so much that divides us, we need that sense of belonging.

And that is why the golden rule of communication—show me you know me—is more essential than ever.

+ When you can use clear messaging to demonstrate your organization's values, you tap into that sense of belonging.

+ When you can clearly signal to the right people that you want to solve the problems that matter to them, you speak to their shared identity.

Because clarity creates connection.

Clear messaging is how you get people to tune in and become your biggest fans, not for just two weeks, but year-round.

Go team!

After a decade as an in-house nonprofit marketer, Jordana Merkin founded Voice for Good to bring her insider knowledge and outsider perspective to help growing nonprofits like yours clarify their messaging to raise awareness and funds for their missions.

Her work with nonprofits includes messaging guides, communication strategy, and copywriting. (Learn more here!)

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The Gift of Clear Messaging


Your hook shouldn't make people go "huh?"